1. What is the minimum amount required for opening an account?

Ans. Account can be opened with a minimum of Rs. 5,000

  • What are your commission/fees/charges?

Ans. Minimum .03 paisa per share, for further details please Call

Schedule of charges is available in download section

  • How can I open an account?

Ans. You can download our Account Opening Form from Download section and visit our office.

4.How long does it take to open an account?

Ans. Once all documentation is completed and approved, you will be able to access your account. Investment/Trading can begin once your account has sufficient funds

5.How much margin buying power can I have?

 Ans. Trading Account is 100% cash based and no margin facility is available.

6. Can I dial a direct number for trading related calls?

Ans. Yes! You can dial a direct number for trade related calls at 35311133.

7. If I call in to place a order, does my regular commission apply?

Ans. Yes! We do not charge an extra fee to execute an order for you over the phone.

8. How the orders are accepted, processed, settled and cleared via the internet?

Ans. There are diverse way to place an order, you may use your Trading Terminal, Web-Based Terminal Or Mobile trading, Whenever you will place order through online trading system, the message board view window shows the time and details of the order placement, cancellation and execution. The Message window also shows the status of order placement through pending order, updating of custody balance in case of execution and cash balance accordingly. You can also view the details of outstanding orders as well executed transaction through your terminal.

9. Is there any Alternate way order placement, in case of non-availability of systems?

Ans. In case of non-availability of internet connection or Terminals you can call our representative at 35311133

10. Can I cancel my outstanding (unexecuted) orders?

Ans. Yes, you may cancel your outstanding order through your All Trading channels (Software, Web-based and Mobile) or you can call us on 35311133 our representative will cancel order on your request after some formal verification.

11. Is there a restriction to place any particular type of Order?

Ans. Yes there is a restriction on two types of orders. Short Sell orders for regular market are not allowed to be placed and also Wash Trades (executing a day trade of a particular share where buying and selling is at the same rate) are prohibited